302 research outputs found

    E-Learning and microformats: a learning object harvesting model and a sample application

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    In order to support interoperability of learning tools and reusability of resources, this paper introduces a framework for harvesting learning objects from web-based content. Therefore, commonly-known web technologies are examined with respect to their suitability for harvesting embedded meta-data. Then, a lightweight application profile and a microformat for learning objects are proposed based on well-known learning object metadata standards. Additionally, we describe a web service which utilizes XSL transformation (GRDDL) to extract learning objects from different web pages, and provide a SQI target as a retrieval facility using a more complex query language called SPARQL. Finally, we outline the applicability of our framework on the basis of a search client employing the new SQI service for searching and retrieving learning objects

    Research on effect of the quantity and aspect ratio of steel fibers on compressive and flexural strength of SIFCON

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    SIFCON (Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Reinforced Concrete) is a composite which occur hardening of the matrix phase, consists of cement, water, mineral additives, fine sand, water reducing plasticizer, and reinforced with high volume fiber (5–20%). The main difference from the high strength concrete (HSC) is the ductile behaviour at failure. However, the brittleness increases with the strength increase in HSC, SIFCON has a ductile behaviour because of the high volume fiber content, low permeability, high durability. Despite fiber content is 2-3% in fiber reinforced concrete, fiber content may be ten times more in SIFCON and ductility is gained. This concrete is suggested to be used in military buildings against explosion, industrial grounds, airports, and bridge feet. In this study, in order to investigate the compressive and flexural strengths of SIFCON, the aspect ratio and fiber volume of steel fibers were chosen as variable and the effects of these parameters on compressive and flexural strengths were investigated. In the study, steel fibers with aspect ratio of 40, 55, 65, and 80 were used in 0, 4, 8 and 12% ratios. The water/binder ratio was kept constant at 0.35. Silica fume is used 10% and water-reducing plasticizer is used 1.5% of cement by weight. 7 and 28 days cured samples were subjected to compressive and flexural tests and the results were compared. As a result of the tests carried out, increases in both the compressive and flexural strengths of SIFCON specimens were determined with increasing fiber volume up to 8%. Strength reductions were observed at higher ratios. In cases where the fiber volume is too high, it has been seen that the strengths were decreased. The reason of strength reduction can be explained by the difficulty of passing ability of mortar between the fibers. The highest strengths were obtained from fibers with the aspect ratio of 80. Increase in the aspect ratio as well as increases in compressive and flexural strengths have been found

    Psikolojik sermayenin işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde birey-örgüt uyumunun aracılık rolü

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    Global düzende bilgisayar, diğer teknolojik sistemlerin süregelen gelişimi işletmelerin-kişilerin iş yaşamlarını önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Teknolojik gelişim, insan kaynağına gereksinimi azaltmanın yanında; çalışanın işletme ile olan ilişkisini ve psikolojik durumunu önemsiz hale getirmiştir. Buda çalışanların; işletmedeki görevini layıkıyla yerine getirmeyip aksatmalarına, bu aksaklıkta verimliliğin (çarkın dişlileri gibi düşünürsek; çarkın bir dişinin bozulması bütün sistemi etkilemektedir.) düşmesine zemin hazırlamaktadır. Bu çalışmamızda; kurumsal bir market çalışanlarına, psikolojik sermaye boyutlarının işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde birey-örgüt uyumunun aracılık rolünü araştırmak üzere, verilerin toplanmasında anket yöntemini kullandık. Neticede, psikolojik sermaye boyutlarından iyimserliğin işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinde birey-örgüt uyumunun tam aracı rolünün olduğuna ulaşıldı. Demografik değişkenlere göre yapılan analizlerden; pozisyon değişkeni ile işten ayrılma niyeti arasında- aylık gelir değişkeni ile işten ayrılma niyetinin arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğuna- psikolojik sermayenin umut boyutu ile aylık gelir değişkeni arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Netice olarak, iyimserlik seviyesi yüksek çalışanların birey-örgüt uyumu gösterme düzeylerinin de arttığı anlaşılmıştır. Bireyin kuruma aidiyet ve uyum duygusunun vuku bulması adına; işten ayrılma eğiliminin olduğu durumlarda, birey örgüt uyumunu geliştirecek eğitimlerin verilmesi, işletmenin kazanımını ve çalışanın psikolojisini pozitif yönde etkileyecektir

    Towards Cognitive Self-Management of IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum based on User Intents

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    Elasticity of the computing continuum with on demand availability allows for automated provisioning and release of computing resources as needed; however, this self management capability is severely limited due to the lack of knowledge on historical and timely resource utilisation and means for stakeholders to express their needs in a high-level manner. In this paper, we introduce and discuss a new concept – intent-based cognitive continuum for sustainable elasticity.acceptedVersio

    Building Semantic Knowledge Graphs from (Semi-)Structured Data: A Review

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    Knowledge graphs have, for the past decade, been a hot topic both in public and private domains, typically used for large-scale integration and analysis of data using graph-based data models. One of the central concepts in this area is the Semantic Web, with the vision of providing a well-defined meaning to information and services on the Web through a set of standards. Particularly, linked data and ontologies have been quite essential for data sharing, discovery, integration, and reuse. In this paper, we provide a systematic literature review on knowledge graph creation from structured and semi-structured data sources using Semantic Web technologies. The review takes into account four prominent publication venues, namely, Extended Semantic Web Conference, International Semantic Web Conference, Journal of Web Semantics, and Semantic Web Journal. The review highlights the tools, methods, types of data sources, ontologies, and publication methods, together with the challenges, limitations, and lessons learned in the knowledge graph creation processes.publishedVersio

    A graph-based approach for representing, integrating and analysing neuroscience data: the case of the murine basal ganglia

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    Purpose: Neuroscience data are spread across a variety of sources, typically provisioned through ad-hoc and non-standard approaches and formats and often have no connection to the related data sources. These make it difficult for researchers to understand, integrate and reuse brain-related data. The aim of this study is to show that a graph-based approach offers an effective mean for representing, analysing and accessing brain-related data, which is highly interconnected, evolving over time and often needed in combination. Approach: The authors present an approach for organising brain-related data in a graph model. The approach is exemplified in the case of a unique data set of quantitative neuroanatomical data about the murine basal ganglia––a group of nuclei in the brain essential for processing information related to movement. Specifically, the murine basal ganglia data set is modelled as a graph, integrated with relevant data from third-party repositories, published through a Web-based user interface and API, analysed from exploratory and confirmatory perspectives using popular graph algorithms to extract new insights. Findings: The evaluation of the graph model and the results of the graph data analysis and usability study of the user interface suggest that graph-based data management in the neuroscience domain is a promising approach, since it enables integration of various disparate data sources and improves understanding and usability of data. Originality: The study provides a practical and generic approach for representing, integrating, analysing and provisioning brain-related data and a set of software tools to support the proposed approach.acceptedVersio

    Evrim Bougie: A new instrument in the management of urethral strictures

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    BACKGROUND: In this study a new instrument and technique is described for the endoscopic treatment of complete posterior urethral strictures, which may result in serious complications and sometimes require troublesome treatments. METHODS: Three patients with complete posterior urethral obstruction were treated endoscopically with the guidance of a new instrument: Evrim Bougie. Evrim Bougie looks like a Guyon Bougie, has a curved end, which facilitates getting into the bladder through the cystostomy tract and with a built in channel of 1.5 mm in diameter for a sliding needle exiting at its tip. Having confirmed fluoroscopically and endoscopically that the sliding needle had passed across the strictured segment, the strictured segment was incised with internal urethrotomy, distal to the strictured segment, and urethral continuity was accomplished. At the end of the operation a Foley urethral catheter was easily placed into the bladder per urethra. Patients were instructed in self-catheterization after removal of the urethral catheter. All patients achieved normal voiding at postoperative 7th month follow-up evaluation. CONCLUSION: Internal urethrotomy could be performed under the guidance of the sliding needle of Evrim Bougie advanced from above the posterior urethral strictures, which to our knowledge was described for the first time in the English literature. We also believe that there may be other possible indications of Evrim Bougie for different procedures in urethral surgery

    Helikobakter pilori infeksiyonu ve benign gastroduodenal hastalıklar, Trakya Bölgesi verileri

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    Amaç: Helikobakter pilori (H. pilori) gastrik ve duodenal ülser, non-ülser dispepsi, atrofik gastrit, mide kanseri ve MALT lenfoması etiyolojisinde rol oynamaktadır. Çalışmamızda Trakya bölgesinde beniğn gastroduodenal hastalıklarda H. pilori infeksiyonu prevelansı araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Endoskopi Ünitesine başvuran ve beniğn gastroduodenal hastalıklar saptanan 4714 hastada retrospektif olarak H. pilori infeksiyonu prevelansı araştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların %52.8'inde H. pilori pozitif saptandı. H. pilori bulber ülser hastalarında %65, gastrik ülserli hastalarda %60.2, gastritli hastalarda ise %48.4 oranında pozitif bulundu (p<0.001). Trakya bölgesi kökenli hastaların %52'sinde, Anadoludan göç eden hastaların %56.3'ünde, Avrupadan göç eden hastaların %48.7'sinde H. pilori pozitif bulundu (p=0.02). Helikobakter pilori kadınlarda %53.2, erkeklerde %52.2 oranında pozitifti (p=0.52). Üreaz pozitifliği 30-60 arasındaki hastalarda 30 yaşından küçükler ve 60 yaşından büyüklere göre daha fazlaydı. Sonuç: Trakya bölgesinde H. pilori infeksiyonu hem ülkemizin diğer bölgeleri ile hemde komşu avrupa ülkeleri ile benzer epidemiyolojik özellikler göstermektedir.Objective: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is implicated in the etiology of gastric and duodenal ulcer, non-ulcer dyspepsia, atrophic gastritis, gastric adenocarcinoma and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALToma). The aim of our study is to evaluate the prevalance of H. pylori infection in patients with benign gastroduodenal diseases. Material and Methods: H. pylori infection was evaluated retrospectively with the urease test in 4714 patients with benign gastroduodenal disorders who applied to the endoscopy unit of Trakya University Hospital, the only University hospital in the Trakya region, between November 2003 and October 2007 with dyspeptic complaints. Results: Overall, the rapid urease test was positive in 52.8% of cases. Helicobacter pylori was positive in 65% of the bulbar ulcer, 61% of the erosive bulbitis, 60.2% of the gastric ulcer and, 48.4% of the gastritis patients. (p&lt;0.001). H. pylori positivity was 52% in Trakya born patients, 56.3% in immigrants from Anatolia and 48.7% in immigrants from Europe (p=0.02). H. pylori positivity frequencies in women and men were 52.2% and 53.2%, respectively (p=0.52). Urease test positivity was significantly more frequent in patients 30-60 years of age compared to the groups younger than 30 or older than 60. Conclusion: The epidemiologic characteristics of H. pylori infection shows features of both Turkey and neighbouring countries of Europe

    Data quality issues in solar panels installations: a case study

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    Solar photovoltaics (PV) is becoming an important source of global electricity generation. Modern PV installations come with a variety of sensors attached to them for monitoring purposes (e.g., maintenance, prediction of electricity generation, etc.). Data collection (and implicitly the quality of data) from PV systems is becoming essential in this context. In this position paper, we introduce a modern PV mini power plant demo site setup for research purposes and discuss the data quality issues we encountered in operating the power plant.publishedVersio

    On Converting Crisp Failure Possibility into Probability for Reliability of Complex Systems

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    The reliability of complex systems is analyzed based on several systematic steps using many safety engineering methods. The most common technique for safety system analysis and reliability, vulnerability and criticality estimation is the fault tree analysis method. There exist numerous conventional and fuzzy extended approaches to construct such a tree. One of the steps of the fuzzy fault tree analysis method (FFTA) is the conversion of crisp failure possibility (CFP) into failure probability (FP). This paper points out the drawbacks of one of the formulas for conversion of CFP into FP, and discusses ways to improve the formula for the FFTA. The proposed approach opens a corridor for the researchers to re-think the previous studies, and is susceptible to improve the future applications for safety and reliability engineering.acceptedVersio